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Tuesday 4 April 2017


Taken by Mr.ajir, straight forward and one of the most technical courses you will offer in your year1. THINGS TO NOTE;
§  Buy his book (introduction to sociology) because no hand out is as important as the book, no question will come outside the book, all his questions will come from the book. his test is mostly structural, for the help of those who don’t understand what structural is:
§  DEMIAN IS THE__________OF__________LEVEL, FACULTY OF ______________(course reps,100,law)…if you mistakenly cancel any word(answer) while writing, you will fail that question, so you need to be careful no matter how you find the questions simple, don’t be in a haste, gra gra is not needed here, be careful and the answer must be spelt correctly.
Keep yourself posted to this blog for his past questions.
Taken by Prof. Sorkaa, the former VC of Benue State University. He is the former vc, he knows almost everything relating to academics in B.S.U so you need to be careful.
He doesn’t find it offensive sketching marks for students who don’t take academics serious. Very technical, he mostly gives an assignment a week to his test and the assignment is submitted on test day, the test question is mostly in similarity with the question of the assignment. That is why you need to make sure the assignment is done by you or even if you aided by someone, you understand what he/she has done for you so on the Test day, you won’t find difficulties. He hates copy and paste work. Test is normally essay.
TEST; 20marks
EXAMS; 60marks
Partly history, just like current affairs, but don’t even think of missing the lectures, his notes is what you will see in exams. Develop the habit of taking notes during lectures and reading them without hesitation. Test is OBJ, exam is OBJ.. if there is going to be any changes, he will let you know about it.

Psychology is a very technical department that if you are offering any course and you don’t take it serious, you will have issues. Check this out:
§  The mostly don’t write Test: exams is marked over 100.
§  You can’t find an accurate material (hand outs) in the labor market; you have to attend lectures to keep to date on notes.
§  More than one lecturer will take you guys on different topics in the course which means exams will be set by different persons.
§  You have to read not to cram but understand because their questions are twisted.

§  Make use of past questions.
CLICK TO READ LAST PART;http://xeononair.blogspot.com.ng/2017/04/a-walk-down-faculty-of-lawtips-to-excel_38.html


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