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Tuesday 4 April 2017


It is no longer news that you are a law student and your friends and family members now call you Barrister-Lawyer, it’s wonderful…it is still no news that you will spend 5years in school unlike your mates in other departments who are aiming 4years. Now let’s work it out using statistics;

100level is a class where you will have to root yourself up well (build your G.P) because as you proceed higher, it gets hotter and automatically, your G.P begins to drop. If your G.P wasn’t built well in your 100level, you will experience difficulties. In most cases, students experience “G.P FINISH”, this is when their G.P can no longer be counted, there are no more left with options than;

§  Either the leave the department to another department
§  Are withdrawn from school
§  Or manage to reach 500level; in a case where you manage to reach 500level and you are yet to cover up your T.C.E, you will be left with no option than to spill for a period of two more years, making it 7years in school, don’t forget you will still be paying fees for that two years. if you can’t cover up your T.C.E after the period of two years, you will be advice to withdraw which is the polite way of the university telling you to pack your load and go. Instead of receiving a certificate, you will rather receive a hand shake.T.C.E for law is 194 while for other departments is 164…so you see, you need to hard work. The departmental handbook issued to you will cover the full explanations of how to calculate your T.C.E and G.P.

This course is a 2credit load course taken by Mr. Raphael okplogidi and headed by prof. J.N. Samba. It is very important you take this course serious, pardon me to say more and very serious because it is your foundation in the legal profession. Don’t just read and study it because you need an A… read and study it because you yearn to know it’s contents. What it’s all about, I mean the in and out of it.
Your level of understanding in this course guarantees your level of understanding as you proceed. As a matter of concern, it’s pertinent to note that law courses are interwoven and what you are doing today In this course is what you will do even when you are practicing. If you have legal methods in your hand, have it in mind you will excel without much stress in your legal system, legal profession and partly constitutional law all in your 200level…mind you, this are 3powerful courses I’m talking about.
§  You have to develop the skills of answering questions using law terminologies (the legal language, words).

§  Develop the habit of asking lectures questions where you find issues confusing or not clear….
CLICK TO READ PART3-CONTINUE:http://xeononair.blogspot.com.ng/2017/04/a-walk-down-faculty-of-lawtips-to-excel_17.html


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